Gudskul: Contemporary Art Collective and Ecosystem Studies, an educational platform formed by three Jakarta-based collectives: ruangrupa, Serrum and Grafis Huru Hara, Jakarta – Indonesia, will present Sekolah Temujalar, fifth year of their annual collective study program. Sekolah Temujalar is dedicated for representative members from international art collectives from Asia-Pacific who actively conduct art educational programs and activities in their space, exercising experimental pedagogical approaches, demonstrating their artistic practices in various contexts and able to self-organize their live participation in the program. The fifth program will take place in the upcoming documenta fifteen, The Fridericianum, and various locations in Kassel, Germany from 28 June – 16 August 2022.
Seeing documenta fifteen ecosystem as a resource of knowledge, Gudskul tries to organize those knowledge as a school. Entitled as Sekolah Temujalar, this rendition becomes the continuation of the experimental art pedagogical methods in terms of collectivity and conviviality in contemporary art that has been conducted by Gudskul since 2018.
Through Sekolah Temujalar, participants will undergo the critical collective learning processes which advances the importance of speculative and solution-oriented dialogue through direct practices and experiential-based learning. Stemmed from the long tradition of nongkrong or hanging out in Indonesia, where people from all walks of life can sit together in a circle without certain objectives nor time limit, sharing stories and knowledge, creating collective time and safe place. Gudskul shaped its curriculum in the spirit of this tradition. The ‘nongkrong curricula’ of this school are a series of collaborative pedagogical projects with access to resources of knowledge from local and global network from documenta fifteen. The aftermath of this program hopes that all participants can operate long-term sustainability of ideas, interlocality, economics and friendship in the contemporary art sphere.
The ‘nongkrong curricula’ of Sekolah Temujalar will consist of:
- Friends-making
- Networking
- Bonding
- Tacit Mapping
- Co-living
- Cooking
- Karaokeing
The participants will cohabitate in The Fridericianum through space-time sharing to live together. They are expected to grow bonds and trust, while being exposed to each other’s diverse culture. This process will enable them to identify each other’s tacit and embodied knowledge on day-to-day basis. Making friends is an action to build connectivity, cooperation, and openness, not only on an individual level, but also a collective-to-collective network. This first phase aims to achieve an awareness and understanding of social relations that arise from direct experience through exploring the values of Transparency, Generosity and Humor.
2. Learning from friends
- Knowledge Market
- Nongkrong (nongkrong with Lumbung artists and Lumbung Interlokal):
- 11 Subject:
- Collective Practice Intelligence
- Collective Cultural Discourse
- Collective Sustainability
- Spatial Practice
- Workshop
- Intermedia
- Public Relations
- Art Laboratory
- Knowledge Garden
- Art Collective Review
- Articulation & Curation
Learning from friends stands on the view that everyone is a teacher and a learner. Everyone has their own experiences and knowledge from their respective contexts and capacities that can be mutually beneficial for sustainability. When the transmitter and receiver of the knowledge come as friends, their connection will shorten the gap that usually hinders further elaboration in dialogue. Therefore, this enables an openness and spontaneity to ask, criticize and ignite knowledge sharing processes at any opportunity when needed. Through these series of co-learning processes, participants can extract, perceive and be inspired by the contemporaneity of Locally Anchored knowledge from one another and gear toward Regeneration of ideas and network.
3. Self organizing
- Speculative Collective
- Collective games
- Majelis
- Showcasing at Gudspace
- Collective Pot
- Collective Colaboration
- Collective of Collectives
During the 50 days of the program, the participants are urged to self-organize their needs and practicalities. They can be autonomous for organizing activities, classes, co-living dynamics, projects, meetings, discussion, decision making process, and manage tangible and intangible resources around them. The terms and conditions need to be mutually agreed through regular convening in Majelis (house meeting) on a smaller or larger scale, depending on the urgencies and contexts. In this phase, the tacit knowledges harvested from friends making and learning from friends are further applied through the creation of Collective of Collectives, in which all participating collectives form a meta-collective that works together in establishing a sustainable ecosystem in order to solve their collective-related issues. Self-organizing will challenge the notion of Independence, Endurance, and Sufficiency/self-limitation among the participants to understand each other more.
There is no admission fee to enroll for Sekolah Temujalar.
Gudskul allocate a lumbung pot with grand total 10.000 EUR. This amount will support selected participants’ expenses based on the decision of all the participants, through Majelis -or assembly meeting process.
Together, Gudskul and all selected participants will cooperate in creating an opportunity for every participant to be able to present physically for Gudskul Collective Study Batch 5 program.
Gudskul will provide a dormitory for the participants to live in The Fridericianum (Friedrichspl. 18, 34117, Kassel, Germany) for a maximum of two people per collective. The division of beds, private spaces, and house rules will be mutually decided in Majelis (assembly) with all of the participants upon their arrival
Gudspace is a multifunction common space for showcasing participants’s collaborative audiovisual works and performances
Collective Kitchen
Laundry space
Living room
Requirements for Possible Participants
- Art collectives who have actively work for minimum 3 years
- Art collectives who have educational interests and program
- Art collective who have collective artwork/artistic practices (not only a collection of individual works)
For each collective’s representatives in Sekolah Temujalar, Kassel:
- The member(s) have an experience in co-living situation
- The member(s) is willing to share space in the dormitory with other members from different collectives
- The member(s) is confident to speak in conversational, not necessarily written, English
- The member(s) has received at least two doses of COVID-19 vaccines
- If the member(s) has recurring illness, they need to bring their personal medication if necessary
- 19 February 2022 : Opening registration
- 24 March 2022: Registration closes
- 21 February – 25 March 2022: Parallel interview with candidates (online via Zoom)
- 30 March 2022: Announcement via email
- Study process: 28 June – 16 August 2022
- Introduction/housewarming : 4 July 2022
- Showcase: 5 -11 August 2022