Walkie Talkie #7 with Arief Yudi & Ginggi Syarif Hasyim

Hanging Out, Telling Stories
Sunday, 15 November 2020
19:30 pm (Jakarta and Majalengka, Indonesia)
Host and Storyteller:
Arief Yudi & Ginggi Syarif Hasyim (co-founders of Jatiwangi Art Factory, Majalengka).
Tarsono D. Mardiana (Vice Regent, Majalengka Regency, West Java)
Vera Juntriesta Vardhani (Head of Infrastructure and Regional Division of Majalengka Regency)
This session will be in Bahasa Indonesia
WALKIE TALKIE: a hanging out telling stories conducted by ruangrupa to connect with some friends where proximity doesn’t refer to something geographical or physical. It’s about stories, not theories on what it means to work and live together.