Walkie Talkie #1 with Frederikke Hansen & reinaart vanhoe

Hanging Out, Telling Stories
Friday, 15 Mei 2020
14:00 pm (Jakarta time)
Story tellers:
Frederikke Hansen (co-founder and creative director of CAMP / Center for Art on Migration Politics, Copenhagen, Denmark)
reinaart vanhoe (artist, co-founder of Ook Huis, Rotterdam, Netherland)
Ajeng Nurul Aini (ruangrupa, Jakarta)
Gesyada Annisa Namora Siregar (Gudskul, Jakarta)
via zoom and youtube live
WALKIE TALKIE: a hanging out telling stories conducted by ruangrupa to connect with some friends where proximity doesn’t refer to something geographical or physical. It’s about stories, not theories on what it means to work and live together.